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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas         : X

1. We …….. in this restaurant 2 days ago

A. ate

B. eaten

C. eating

D. eats

E. eat

2. I ………. in this sofa with him

A. sleeping

B. sleep

C. slept

D. sleped

E. slept

3. I ………. this scissors to cut the grass yesterday

A. cuted

B. cutting

C. cut

D. be cutted

E. can cut

4. Anita ………… me in this market yesterday

A. meeting

B. meets

C. met

D. meet

E. meat

5. Dona ……….. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

A. cooking

B. cooked

C. cooks

D. cook

E. can cooking

6. Our English teacher always …….. our homework every week

A. check

B. checked

C. checking

D. checks

E. check in

7. I don’t ……….. time to swim on Monday

A. having

B. had

C. has

D. have

E. heaven

8. Marzuki ……… a very thick book about Indonesian History

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. are

E. am

9. One of my friends always ……… to Bali every year

A. go

B. goes

C. to go

D. going 

E. going to

10. ………. your Uncle come here every today?

A. do

B. does

C. did

D. will

E. would

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 6

Text 1

    Last holiday my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a long way from Malioboro.

    On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the gorunds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled.

    On Saturday morning we went to YogyaKraton. We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds that we were driven by  a brilliant and amicable aide. At that point we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. We heard the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.

11. The content above basically talks about……

A. The writer’s trip to Yogyakarta

B. The writer’s first visit to Prambanan

C. The writer’s impression about the guide

D. The writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton

E. The writer’s impression about Borobudur 

12. The content is composed as an……

A. Recount

B. Narrative

C. Report

D. Anecdote

E. Spoof

13. What is purpose of the text…….

A. Tell pas events

B. Entertain readers

C. Describe the smugglers

D. Report an event to the police

E. Inform readers about events of the day

14. What else the big temples in Prambanan?

A. Angkor Wat, Syiwa, and Sudra Temples 

B. Paria, Brahmana, and temples 

C. Brahmana, Syiwa, and Wisnu Temples 

D. Wisnu, Syiwa, and Borobudur Temples 

E. Borobudur, Syiwa, and Brahmana 

15. When did they go home? 

A. On Saturday morning 

B. On Friday evening 

C. On Thursday evening 

D. On Friday afternoon 

E. On Saturday evening 

16. Why did they just visit Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries? 

A. Because there was no Wisnu temple 

B. Because Wisnu temple was amazing 

C. Because Wisnu temple was too small 

D. Because Wisnu temple was being repaired 

E. Because Wisnu temple was being destroyed

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 13. 

Text 2

    The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura streets on Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke into the students’ room while they were going to a football game. They never thought that while they were away, burglars would break into their boarding house.

17. The communicative purpose of this text is………

A. To retell events for the purpose of informing

B. To present perspective points about an issue

C. To describe the way they are

D. To acknowledge readers about informative events

E. To share an amusing incident

18. Where did the robbery take place?

A. at 151 Pattimura street

B. at 151 Gajahmada street

C. at 161 Pattimura street

D. at 212 Sisingamangaraja street

E. at 161 Sisingamangaraja street

19. When did the robbery happen?

A. Sunday morning

B. Sunday afternoon

C. Saturday morning

D. Saturday afternoon

E. Monday evening

20. The lexico grammatical features are mostly written in………..

A. passive voice

B. direct speech

C. reported speech

D. simple past tense

E. simple present tense


1. What is a recount text?

2. Write the structure of recount text!

3. Mention two (2) examples about text recount! Change into negative and intronegative form below ! 

4. (+) They are clever

(-)    ...............

(?)    ..............

5. (+) Anita was in Surabaya last week

(-)    ...............

(?)    ..............